WP3 – Collaboration and ERA building
Work package leader: Jaroslav Matoušek
Objective of WP3: To promote twinning with the partnering institutions and additional collaboration in ERA by supporting mutual visits and inviting young members of the partner teams to work in BCAS. These activities have favourable impact on the development of BCAS infrastructure and strategic planning of future research.
Main tasks
T 3.1: Mutual visits
Mutual visits of collaborating researchers between MODBIOLIN teams and advanced EU workplaces. Visits are indispensable for detail planning and evaluation of joint research, for the comparison and adjustment of methods, and for the solution of possible discrepancies in the results and their interpretations. Duration of each visit is up to 5 days (incl. travel). The MODBIOLIN researchers should accomplish annually 10 visits to their partners and should receive 5 visitors.
T 3.2: Participation of researchers from EU laboratories in MODBIOLIN investigations in BCAS
This type of mobility enhances collaboration, promotes mobility within ERA, and supports continuation of research directions in which EU holds important global positions. Long-term (1-12 months) stays of experienced researchers in BCAS bring benefit not only to a specific host but the whole research community in the region by contributing to international academic atmosphere and shared knowledge base. Some guests travel to their home institution during the stay and thereby contribute to the building of a twinning link to BCAS. It is known from experience that a number of researchers from different EU countries are interested in joining MODBIOLIN teams for several months. In regard to the importance of this activity 36 months for each project year was planned.