WP5 - Upgrading basic laboratory equipment

Work package leader: Vladimír Košťál

Objective of WP5 is to enhance research potential by upgrading or replacing obsolete instruments currently used by MODBIOLIN research teams and by purchasing basic instrument sets for the newly hired researchers.

Main tasks

T 5.1: Upgrading of basic equipment in months 1-6.

T 5.2: Purchase of equipment set for 4 experienced researchers in months 6-11.

T 5.3: Purchase of equipment set for 4 experienced researchers in months 14-21.

T 5.4: Purchase of equipment set for 2 experienced researchers in months 28-33.


Both upgrade of basic equipment and purchase of equipment for newcomers helped to gain necessary background for the quality research work. Goods purchased included cooled centrifuges; freezers; electrophoretic systems; power supplies; dissecting microscopes; pH meters, UV transilluminator; lyophilizer, water purification system, autoclave; thermal cyclers; pipette sets; laminar box and laboratory hoods, locomotor activity monitor; facility for insect rearing and many others.

List of purchased T 5.1 equipment is available here.

project in frame of 7th programme for research and technological development

Use of model organisms to resolve crucial biological problems on the path to innovations

EUBiology centre